To bid at any of our online auctions, you will need to create an account.
Step 1: Create Account (Account Registration Form)
The “Create Account” buttons are placed throughout this website and in the menu bar at the top of the page
There is a “Create Account” button on our “Homepage”
If you are browsing an auction, you can click on the “Login” button. On the page that comes up, click on the “Create Account” button.
From the auction calendar, simply click on “Register For This Sale” to be taken to the Login/Create Account page.
Step 2: Complete the Create Account registration form and submit
TIP: Think about the USERNAME that you want to use as this will be shown publicly during bidding in a webcast auction.
(Don’t use your name or business name as your username if you would like anonymity during the bidding process.)
Step 3: Activate your account.
Once you’ve filled in the form and clicked on “Create Account” an email will be sent to the address that you registered. This email contains a link from us which you will need click on to activate your account.
Clicking on this link confirms your account and you are ready to get bidding by going to the “Log-In” page
Step 4: Log in and Register for an auction.
Your account is now ready so please click on any of the “Register for this Sale links on the upcoming auctions that you are browsing
Here you will need to do the following:
- Enter your desired spending limit for the auction. (You’ll be notified if you are going over this limit)
- Submit your FICA documentation (copy of ID, proof of residence) to the email address:
DEPOSIT: The deposit varies for each auction and we will mail you the amount needed as well as our banking details.
The deposit information is also available on the site under Sale Information (left of the screen) when viewing an auction.
When making the DEPOSIT payment, use your account USERNAME as a reference so we can track your payment faster and activate your bidding.
Once you have been FICA’d and we have received your deposit, we will activate your bidding for that auction. You can monitor your bidding activity in your “My Account” section.
Enjoy your bidding!